They talk about us

They talk about us


11 December 2023
Asia Asset Management
6 December 2023
Abu Dhabi wealth fund inks US$100 million repo to boost liquidity in Africa
Global Custodian
5 December 2023
BNY Mellon facilitates $100 million repo transaction for ADIA through its triparty service
Utilities Middle East
5 December 2023
ADIA agrees $100m repo facility at COP28 to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa
5 December 2023
COP28: ADIA agrees $100mn Africa repo transaction with LSF using BNY Mellon triparty
5 December 2023
ADIA agrees $100mln repo facility at COP28 to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa
5 December 2023
L’ADIA accepte une facilité de pension de 100 millions de dollars lors de la COP28 pour encourager les investissements liés au développement durable en Afrique
5 December 2023
White & Case Guides LSF, ADIA, and Afreximbank in COP28 Deal

ADIA agrees $100m repo facility at COP28

4 December 2023
ADIA agrees $100m repo facility at COP28 with the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility (LSF) and Afreximbank to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa


4 December 2023
White & Case advises on COP28 announced repo facility between LSF, ADIA and Afreximbank to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa


4 December 2023
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Agrees $100 Mln Repo Facility With LSF And Afreximbank
4 December 2023
ADIA Agrees $100m Repo Facility at COP28 With the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility (LSF) and Afreximbank to Incentivise Sustainability-Linked Investments in Africa

4 December 2023
ADIA Announces US$ 100 Million Repo Facility

Securities Finance Times
4 December 2023
US$100m repo facility agreed at COP28 to incentivise investments in Africa


5 October 2023

The Asset
25 September 2023
Mobilizing capital for climatic, economic reasons

Project Syndicate
22 September 2023
Financing Our Survival

BNY Mellon’s Aerial View
March 2023
Green shoots for Africa

BNY Mellon’s Aerial View
February 2023
The next stage in the evolution of Africa’s capital markets

Scope Ratings
1 February 2023
Africa Sovereign Monitor 2023



11 December 2023
Asia Asset Management
6 December 2023
Abu Dhabi wealth fund inks US$100 million repo to boost liquidity in Africa
Global Custodian
5 December 2023
BNY Mellon facilitates $100 million repo transaction for ADIA through its triparty service
Utilities Middle East
5 December 2023
ADIA agrees $100m repo facility at COP28 to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa
5 December 2023
COP28: ADIA agrees $100mn Africa repo transaction with LSF using BNY Mellon triparty
5 December 2023
ADIA agrees $100mln repo facility at COP28 to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa
5 December 2023
L’ADIA accepte une facilité de pension de 100 millions de dollars lors de la COP28 pour encourager les investissements liés au développement durable en Afrique
5 December 2023
White & Case Guides LSF, ADIA, and Afreximbank in COP28 Deal

ADIA agrees $100m repo facility at COP28

4 December 2023
ADIA agrees $100m repo facility at COP28 with the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility (LSF) and Afreximbank to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa


4 December 2023
White & Case advises on COP28 announced repo facility between LSF, ADIA and Afreximbank to incentivise sustainability-linked investments in Africa


4 December 2023
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority Agrees $100 Mln Repo Facility With LSF And Afreximbank
4 December 2023
ADIA Agrees $100m Repo Facility at COP28 With the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility (LSF) and Afreximbank to Incentivise Sustainability-Linked Investments in Africa

4 December 2023
ADIA Announces US$ 100 Million Repo Facility

Securities Finance Times
4 December 2023
US$100m repo facility agreed at COP28 to incentivise investments in Africa


5 October 2023

The Asset
25 September 2023
Mobilizing capital for climatic, economic reasons

Project Syndicate
22 September 2023
Financing Our Survival

BNY Mellon’s Aerial View
March 2023
Green shoots for Africa

BNY Mellon’s Aerial View
February 2023
The next stage in the evolution of Africa’s capital markets

Scope Ratings
1 February 2023
Africa Sovereign Monitor 2023



The Africa Report
21 December 2021
Tackling the cost of African financing

African Executive
7th December 2021
Financing Africa’s Post-Covid-19 Development

Business Day
4th November 2021
COP 26: UNECA establishes $30bn facility for Africa

3rd November 2021
U.N. launches fund to foster cheaper loans, green development for Africa

CNBC Africa
5th November 2021
UNECA unveils facility to subsidize private investment in African sovereign debt

Financial Times
3rd November 2021
UN launches African repo markets in bid to lower borrowing costs

Business Times
November 3, 2021
ECA unveils US$30bn liquidity facility

Africa Press Net
November 4, 2021
ECA Establishes Liquidity, Sustainability Facility (LSF) Reaching 30 Bln USD

4 Novembre 2021
Émissions souveraines sur le marché des obligations en euro : La Cea annonce le lancement d’un mécanisme de soutien aux pays africains

Financial Afrik
3 novembre, 2021
A la COP de Glasgow, la CEA lance un mécanisme de liquidité et de viabilité de 30 milliards de dollars

November 4, 2021
La CEA lance le Mécanisme de liquidité et de viabilité

Health Reporters
November 4, 2021
ECA launches $30bn to support African Eurobond liquidity, debt sustainability

3 Novembro 2021
COP26: ONU lança novo modelo financeiro para poupar 11 mil milhões até 2026

Africa 24 TV
Nov 6, 2021
Afrique : 30 milliards USD d’appui financier de la CEA aux pays africains

Club of Mozambique
November 4, 2021
COP26: UNECA announces LSF that could reach US$30B to support sovereign African Eurobond liquidity, ensure debt sustainability

Journal du Cameroun
November 4, 2021
Afrique : un outil de soutien à la liquidité des obligations souveraines

Ethiopian News Agency
November 4, 2021
ECA Establishes Liquidity, Sustainability Facility (LSF) Reaching 30 Bln USD

November 4, 2021
UN announces Liquidity and Sustainability Facility for Africa in partnership with AfreximBank

All Africa
November 3, 2021
Afrique: La Commission Économique pour l’Afrique des Nations Unies annonce à la COP 26 le lancement d’un Mécanisme de Liquidité et de Viabilité pouvant atteindre 30 milliards de dollars américains afin de soutenir la liquidité des obligations souveraines Africaines en euros et la soutenabilité de la dette

La Tribune Afrique
27 Nov 2021
Après la COP26, un nouveau leadership environnemental s’impose

Ethiopian Monitor
November 4, 2021
ECA to Set up Liquidity & Sustainability Facility Reaching 30 Bln USD

New Business Ethiopia
November 3, 2021
UN Agency Establishes $30 Billion Debt Sustainability Fund For Africa

November 4, 2021
Launch of the Liquidity and Sustainability Facility (LSF) /Glasgow Scotland

Bourse News
November 4, 2021
COP26: Lancement d’un MLV pouvant atteindre 30 milliards dollars pour soutenir la liquidité des obligations souveraines africaines

Reuters Johannesburg
November 3, 2021
U.N. launches fund to foster cheaper loans, green development for Africa

New Zimbabwe
5th November 2021
UNECA Launches Investment Boosting Funding Facility

Mansa Media
November 4, 2021
UN unveils new finance mechanism to save African governments $11bn in borrowing costs

Africa24 TV
La Commission Économique pour l’Afrique des Nations Unies annonce la création d’un Mécanisme de Liquidité et de Viabilité

All Africa
5 novembre 2021
Uneca Launches Investment Boosting Funding Facility

African Manager
5 novembre 2021
Afrique : un outil de soutien à la liquidité des obligations souveraine

Comprendre Media
3 novembre 2021
L’ONU a lancé un marché africain des pensions pour réduire les coûts d’emprunt

Financial Times
25th June 2021
Africa needs its own ‘repo’ market

23rd June 2021
IMF Reserves Could Help Rebuild Emerging Debt Markets, UN Says

About The Liquidity and Sustainability Facility 
The LSF was designed with the support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and Afreximbank with the dual objective of supporting the liquidity of African Sovereigns Eurobonds and incentivizing SDG-related investments such as SDG and green bonds on the African continent.

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